Conical cartridge heaters
The conical shape of these cartridge heaters ensures excellent adaptation to the part to be heated and improves heat transfer, considerably reducing cartridge overheating.
For a consistent temperature distribution, those cartridges are equipped with reinforced heating at both ends.

Those cartridges are manufactured with a conicity of 1:50 in accordance with DIN 1 for conical pins.
Maximum operating temperature is 750°C.
Conicity | 1 : 50 |
Lenght | 60 à 160 mm |
Power | 160 à 800 W (±10%) |
Sleeve | Stainless steel 321 |
Please consult us to know the possible diameters.
Our cartridge heaters are carefully tested, piece by piece. However, their service life depends essentially on the conditions of use.
Here are 10 important points to keep in mind, to ensure proper operation.
- Cartridges must be placed in calibrated holes using a special reamer.
- Cartridge lifetime also depends on the load, so it's better to have more cartridges, but less powerful ones.
- The entire cartridge must be in contact with the metal (no lack of metal in the bore), with only the ceramic head protruding.
- If possible, the hole should be through-hole to make it easier to insert or remove the cartridge. At the end, the through hole can be of a smaller diameter.
- Our heat-resistant anti-friction products make cartridges easier to fit and remove. It also improves heat transfer, but be careful not to apply it to the ceramic head or wires.
- Electrical connection cables must be protected against fluids - water, lubricants, oil, plastic, etc. - which could cause leakage currents or ignition at the conductor output.
- Those cables must be protected from vibration and shock at the cartridge outlet, to prevent damage.When using several cartridges side by side, the distance between each one must be at least one diameter.
- Cartridge heaters must be stored in an absolutely dry room, or in hermetically sealed plastic containers.
- Temperature control must be ensured by a good temperature regulator, if possible with modulated action, or by any other electronic power control system. To avoid excessive thermal inertia, which could cause the coils to overheat, place the control sensor approximately 10mm from the cartridge.
Conical cartridge heaters are mainly used for heating crucibles, molds, sealing machines, cigarette machines, etc.
Conical cartridge heaters are also frequently used in the footwear and hot stamping industries.
Tapered cartridge heaters are used in the following industries:
- Plastics and rubber industries
- O.E.M manufacturers
- Food industry
- Foundries (Zamak, etc.)
- Pharmaceuticals and chemicals
- Packaging
- Nuclear industry
- Soil remediation by thermal absorption or desorption
This list is not exhaustive.